I am pleased to welcome you to the Harilela Group. Historically known for its real estate and trading activities in Asia we have developed into an international company. Our strategy is to identify, invest and manage a portfolio of hotels, commercial and residential real estate. We aim to build and develop a leading position in each of the fields in which we operate.
To accomplish our mission, we set high standards for ourselves, always acting quickly and investing for the long term. Our style is very ‘hands-on’, working collaboratively and in a spirit of partnership with our joint venture and hotel operating companies.
The life blood of any company is its people and the entrepreneurial abilities, creativity and innovation that stems from them. Throughout our company we have people who make things happen to satisfy our customers. Without the valued patronage and support of all our customers, it would not have been possible to achieve the progress that we have experienced. I thank everyone of you for all your support and shall be most delighted to welcome you.
— Dr. Aron H. Harilela, JP